Setup Ozeki 10 on Linux

Use the same procedure for all Linux distributions to install Ozeki 10. After installing, reach Ozeki 10 from a Chromium browser or from a remote location by typing the IP address and port 9505 to the search bar. No matter which method you use, you can reach Ozeki 10 from any browser and from any location. Follow this step-by-step tutorial for more details.


Open the terminal by clicking on the black console icon on the left side vertical toolbar like in Figure 1. The terminal window will open up and the first thing you should do is to grant root (admin) privileges to all forecoming commands by using sudo -s, which delegates authority to the user to run all forecoming commands as root. If not using sudo -s, you will have to type 'sudo' before each command, although it is not suggested since sudo -s is an effective command and it only has to be used once. Hit enter and provide the root password to continue using the terminal in admin mode. So from now on all upcoming shell commands can be executed without starting them with 'sudo'. If you check the screenshot below, you will see that the system user has been changed from 'user' to 'root'. In the following STEPs use all commands in the grey brackets without sudo.

open terminal
Figure 1 - Open Terminal


The second step is installing the Mono package, which provides an alternative for Microsoft .NET framework. With the following two commands you can add the package to your repository as Figure 2 shows it. Do not forget to update the repository and install the package by using 'apt-get update' and 'apt-get install mono-complete' commands.

apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 
3FA7E0328081BFF6A14DA29AA6A19B38D3D831EF &
echo "deb raspbianstretch main" | 
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mono-official.list

installing mono package
Figure 2 - Installing Mono package


To run Ozeki 10 service, the following packages are required (Figure 3), so you can support VoIP, audio codec, font etc.: libturbojpeg, libspeexdsp1, libportaudio2, fonts-symbola, xvfb

apt-get install libturbojpeg libportaudio2 xvfb libspeexdsp1 fonts-symbola

install other required package
Figure 3 - Install other required packages


Download the latest version of the Linux installer from Use your webbrowser to donwload it like in Figure 4, so you can install it on your Linux distribution. The version you can download is the latest Ozeki 10 version available on the market, so you can give it a try on a 14 day trial. The installer package will be stored in the 'Downloads' folder. The good thing is that you have already installed all required component in STEP 2 and STEP 3, so you can start the installation of Ozeki 10. The next step will describe it.

download ozeki 10
Figure 4 - Download Ozeki 10


Navigate to your Download folder by using 'cd /home/user/Downloads' in the Linux terminal and install Ozeki 10 by typing dpkg -i and the package name as you can see it in Figure 5. In Linux if you start typing the package name and press 'TAB' the OS will automatically find the name of the file by using the content of the folder you are working on. There is another method by typing 'ls' and checking the folder content. Find the installation package and copy-paste the file name. You will be asked to create an admin user during installation or you can modify it in case you have previously installed Ozeki 10 on your Linux.

dpkg -i installinux_1524146672_Ozeki_10.0.76.deb

Figure 5 - Install Ozeki 10


After finishing the installation, please type 'service ozeki start' to start Ozeki 10 (Figure 6). You can use sudo if root user is not activated. From now on you can reach your Ozeki 10 server from any webbrowser client worldwide, although keep in mind to let Ozeki 10 out the firewall. If the website GUI is blocked, please add Ozeki 10 as a firewall exception. Check the IP of your Linux distribution with 'ifconfig' and use it with port 9505, which is the default port for any Ozeki 10 server installations. The port number can be modified by configuring the software with the Security application. If you try to reach it from localhost, try 'http://localhost:9505/'

sudo service ozeki start

start ozeki service
Figure 6 - Start Ozeki service


Now it is time to start the test. Please type into your webbrowser's search bar. is basicly the localhost IP address of your machine, which you are sitting in front right now. By typing 'ifconfig' you can find the IP address to use Ozeki 10 from the outside world. The default port number you should use is 9505. At a remote location type the server IP with the port number and hit enter. You will find yourself on the login screen just like in Figure 7, where you should type 'admin' as the username and the password you have provided during installation. Currently this is the only user that exists. Click 'OK' if ready.

Figure 7 - Figure 7 - Login window


Find yourself on the Ozeki 10 desktop, which looks similar to a Windows GUI, although all Ozeki desktops work separately from the OS you are running your Ozeki 10 server on. It is easy to understand why, because you can connect to it from your webbrowser running on any location. It is a good idea to start your journey by opening the 'Control Panel' as you see it below in Figure 8. Here you can find the wide variety of connections compatible with Ozeki 10. Each connection can send or receive messages. Basicly the Control Panel is the nervous system of Ozeki 10, which routes the messages between the connections.

open control panel
Figure 8 - Open Control Panel


In a similar way you have started Ozeki 10, you can stop it with the following command like in Figure 9. Use the command with sudo if you are not using the terminal as a root user (you can be asked for root password). After stopping the service the browser GUI becomes unreachable, although you will see how to find the most important files in the following steps.

sudo service ozeki stop

Figure 9 - Stop Ozeki service


Find the logs of Ozeki 10 by moving to the following folder shown below. All Ozeki 10 events are stored in these log files. You can reach them by jumping to the log folder with 'cd /var/log/ozeki' as you can see it in Figure 10. Then press 'ls' to list the log files. For example in the httpd.log, you can see the communication of your HTTP server or you can check the system log and licensing as well.

cd /var/log/ozeki

move to the folder of ozeki log files
Figure 10 - Move to the folder of Ozeki log files


This is where the installed files with user modifications are stored for your Ozeki 10 service. With the following command you can move to the 'Service' directory. List all installation folders with 'ls'. For example all Ozeki 10 connections are stored in 'AppData'.

cd /var/lib/ozeki/Service

move to the service folder
Figure 11 - Move to the Service folder


The config files of Ozeki 10 can be found beneath the Service directory. You should be in the 'Service' directory at the very moment, so please type 'cd Config' to reach the route shown below. The sub-folders store how your Ozeki applications are configured.


reach the config folder
Figure 12 - Reach the Config folder


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